Office Hours
Monday - Friday : 8:30AM - 5PM
Saturday by appointment

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02 6567 0310

Even though wisdom tooth extractions are uncomfortable, we want to make the experience as painless and easy as possible.

Why remove wisdom teeth?

A large portion of people do not have enough space in their jaws for their wisdom teeth to erupt properly. As a result, they may not come out of the gum line completely, or they may push out at the wrong angle and bounce against the tooth in front of them. Poorly positioned wisdom teeth are also difficult to clean. This often leads to food inclusions and inflammation of the gums, tooth decay, pain, swelling and damage to other teeth. For these reasons, your dentist may recommend the removal of wisdom teeth before serious dental problems arise.

Rest assured that you are in good hands

At Happy Smiles Dental, we are equipped with the latest 3D radiography technology to minimize the risks associated with wisdom tooth extraction. We also offer a number of options to make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure, including oral sedation medications and Happy Gas (N-Oxide). Our dentists ensure that you are fully informed before the procedure and provide you with complete information about your follow-up care.

For Emergency Appointment

Call Us: 02 6567 0310

Non Urgent Appointment

Call Us: 02 1234 5678