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We like to keep natural teeth because they allow you to eat, speak and chew most effectively. No replacement option is this good right now, which is why root canal treatment can be such a valuable treatment option.

Keep teeth as much as possible

We understand that root canals get a bad rap! But rest assured that modern dentistry has come a long way in making the process more comfortable, painless, and more efficient in the long run. Our goal with root canal treatment is to save an infected tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. This may be necessary if a tooth has been heavily filled, severely destroyed, or previously traumatized.

Ensure the longevity of your teeth

Teeth requiring root canal treatment have historically been affected by cracks, tooth decay, or large fillings. The procedure itself also involves removing the infected parts of the tooth, which inevitably makes it more brittle and prone to breakage. For these reasons, we strongly recommend placing a crown on a root canal treated tooth. A crown supports the tooth against the forces of chewing and improves its chances of long-term survival.

What does root canal treatment include?

Inside your teeth is the dental pulp, which contains a bundle of nerves and tissues with blood vessels that nourish the tooth and keep it healthy. However, when tooth decay or infection occurs, the pulp of the tooth becomes infected and inflamed and can cause severe pain. At this point, it may need to be removed to stop your toothache or clear the infection. The procedure involves removing the infected nerve and pulp from the tooth, cleaning the inside of the tooth, and sealing it for protection.

After the end of root canal treatment, the tooth is more fragile and more prone to fractures. We therefore often recommend placing a crown on a root canal treated tooth to hold the tooth together, give it strength and achieve the best long-term result.

How do I know if I need root canal treatment?

One of the main causes of infection of the roots and / or pulp is deep tooth decay. Dental trauma can also damage the tooth, leading to infection of the pulp. In either case, pulpal infection is usually associated with toothache and, if it lasts too long, can lead to the death of the teeth. Whatever the cause, if a tooth is bothering you, be sure to visit a dentist to assess the problem.

There are many signs that may indicate the need for root canal treatment. Although some patients have few or no symptoms, there are signs that may indicate problems with the roots or pulp of your teeth.

Here are some of the signs that may mean you need root canal treatment:

  • Toothache when biting or chewing, or severe and constant toothache
  • Discoloration of teeth
  • Recurring abscess or pimple on the gums
  • Swelling with discharge of pus
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold drinks

Why should I have root canal treatment?

Root canal treatments replace the infected pulp of the tooth and have several benefits. If the infected pulp has caused you a toothache, you can get rid of the pain immediately with root canal treatment. If the nerves and tissues are left untreated, they can cause inflammation of the gums, which can also develop a painful abscess if the infection persists, leading to more painful episodes and possibly the death of your teeth.

Instead of having to pull out the natural tooth, root canal treatment also extends the life of the tooth. While we have technology in place to replace missing teeth like implants, bridges, or even dentures to prevent a gaping hole in your smile, they can often be costly. Root canal treatment means that in the end you will get a healthy tooth, the original functions of which are intact, while maintaining a completely natural appearance.

We especially recommend that younger patients keep their natural teeth longer with root canal treatment and refrain from pulling their teeth out. Previous tooth extractions can cause the jawbone to recede, making it more difficult to replace the tooth later.

For Emergency Appointment

Call Us: 02 6567 0310

Non Urgent Appointment

Call Us: 02 1234 5678